Physical wellness: Is recognizing the need for physical activities and exercise, the consumption of healthy foods, and getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Maintaining a healthy body and seeking care when needed. Also, remaining free from or a decreased use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
Emotional Wellness; Is the ability to cope effectively with our emotions to create satisfying relationships with others. Also, the development of inner resources, such as determination, empathy, compassion, and understanding, so you can learn and grow from life experiences.
Social Wellness; Is developing a sense of connection, belonging, and constructing a well-developed support system. This dimension not only encourages healthy relationships with family and friends, but also healthy intimate relationships with romantic partners.
Environmental Wellness; Is occupying and promoting pleasant, stimulating environments that support wellbeing and setting boundaries to ensure that you maintain a healthy environment.
Intellectual Wellness; Is recognizing your creative abilities and finding ways to expand your knowledge and skills. Also, having an open mind when you encounter new ideas that challenge an antiquated belief system.
Occupational Wellness; Is personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work. If you’re unemployed you discover enrichment in your life by means of self-improvement or other rehabilitative activities. Also, there’s always a continual re-evaluation your situation to increase and improve performance.
Financial Wellness; Is the process of learning how to successfully manage your financial expenses. You begin to examine purchases from a want vs. need perspective, and you don’t attempt to live above your means. Also, you delay gratification when necessary, and save a portion of your income.
Spiritual Wellness; Is recognition of a higher power in the development and expansion of healthy values that help you seek a sense of purpose and meaning in life.